Updated 1/1/2023
Services Up to 1000 sq. ft. 1001-2000 sq. ft. 2001-3000 sq. ft. 3001-4000 sq. ft. 4001-5000 sq. ft. 5001-6000 sq. ft
MOWING SERVICE: includes lawn mowing, line trimming, blowing off walks & patios, & hauling off or mulching lawn clippings.
Cutting & raking native grasses approximately 5 x mowing cost. POST-EMERGENT and/or PRE-EMERGENT (a.k.a. N/T APP): a liquid or granular preventer for annual weeds & grasses (crabgrass, oxalis, spurge, clover, chickweed, foxtail, puncturevine, etc.).
LAWN FERTILIZATION: Prices are for 6 app program. Prices may vary without a scheduled program. 6 applications per year is recommended.
Includes Pre-Emergent fertilizer in 1st and late season applications. TREE AND SHRUB APPLICATIONS:
5 app. program is recommended. Includes fertilizing, insect & disease control.
LAWN AERATION a core type aeration, 2”- 4” plugs approx. 3/4” in diameter. SOIL MUST BE MOIST! Water 24 hours in advance. Service recommended 2 times per year. POWER RAKE: service includes power raking, hand raking, mowing service, and hauling off thatch. Recommended every other year for cool season grasses and every year for Bermuda grass.
Mow $55.00 + tax $65.00 + tax $75.00 + tax $85.00 + tax $95.00 + tax $105.00 + tax
1,000 sq. ft. ($10.00 per additional 1000 sq ft) Weed Control $125.00 + tax $150.00 + tax $175.00 + tax $200.00 + tax $225.00 + tax $250.00 + tax
1,000 sq. ft. (single app price) ($25.00 per additional 1000 sq ft) Lawn App $60.00 + tax ea. $70.00 + tax $80.00 + tax $90.00 + tax $100.00 + tax $110.00 + tax
1,000 sq. ft. ($10.00 per additional 1000 sq ft) T/S App Minimum $95.00 + tax ea.
1,000 sq. ft. ($120.00 per man per hour) Estimate needed Aerate $100.00 + tax $115.00 + tax $130.00 + tax $145.00 + tax $160.00 + tax $175.00 + tax
1,000 sq. ft. ($15.00 per additional 1000 sq ft) Power Rake $115.00 + tax $175.00 + tax $235.00 + tax $295.00 + tax $355.00 + tax $410.00 + tax
1,000 sq. ft. ($60.00 per additional 1000 sq ft) |
All Prices above include labor, materials, and hauling fees.
Prices are averages and may vary slightly due to individual conditions and are subject to change.
General labor rates:
$120.00/hour for a 2 man crew + hauling ($5.00/barrel, $15.00/burlap, $200/ black trailer/10 cubic yd., $300.00/white trailer/15 cubic yd) + materials, delivery, etc if applicable. Heavy materials hauling (gravel, concrete, etc.) = $95.00 per cubic yard. $13.50 per wheelbarrow
Ladder work and off ground tree trimming:
$80.00/hour per climber ($60.00/hour per man on the ground).
Hauling fees:
Green Waste/Box Trailer 6.25’x 4’x 16’ = 400 cu. ft. / 15cu. yards costs $300.00 + loading time + tax, for light materials, not including dirt/concrete/etc. Light materials $.75/cubic ft. Heavy materials $3.52/cubic. ft.
Dump Trailer 6.5’ x 4’ x 12’ = 312 cu. Ft. / 11.55 cu. yards cost $200.00 + load time + tax, for light materials, not including dirt/concrete/etc. Light materials $.75/ cubic ft. Heavy materials $3.52/cubic. foot, $95 per cubic yard.
1 trash barrel (33 -42 gal.) costs $5.00 for grass clippings, leaves, trash, etc.
1 wheelbarrow of heavy material (concrete, dirt, fruit, etc.) costs $13.50 + tax.
1 burlap = approximately 3 barrels = $15.00/burlap
Prices are averages and may vary slightly due to individual conditions and are subject to change.
General labor rates:
$120.00/hour for a 2 man crew + hauling ($5.00/barrel, $15.00/burlap, $200/ black trailer/10 cubic yd., $300.00/white trailer/15 cubic yd) + materials, delivery, etc if applicable. Heavy materials hauling (gravel, concrete, etc.) = $95.00 per cubic yard. $13.50 per wheelbarrow
Ladder work and off ground tree trimming:
$80.00/hour per climber ($60.00/hour per man on the ground).
Hauling fees:
Green Waste/Box Trailer 6.25’x 4’x 16’ = 400 cu. ft. / 15cu. yards costs $300.00 + loading time + tax, for light materials, not including dirt/concrete/etc. Light materials $.75/cubic ft. Heavy materials $3.52/cubic. ft.
Dump Trailer 6.5’ x 4’ x 12’ = 312 cu. Ft. / 11.55 cu. yards cost $200.00 + load time + tax, for light materials, not including dirt/concrete/etc. Light materials $.75/ cubic ft. Heavy materials $3.52/cubic. foot, $95 per cubic yard.
1 trash barrel (33 -42 gal.) costs $5.00 for grass clippings, leaves, trash, etc.
1 wheelbarrow of heavy material (concrete, dirt, fruit, etc.) costs $13.50 + tax.
1 burlap = approximately 3 barrels = $15.00/burlap