Saint Patrick’s Day is Sunday. Don’t forget to wear green, but also, take care of the green in your life!
Your lawn needs care now more than ever. Fertilizer, aerating, and power raking act as day-spa action - vitamins, massage, and exfoliation, but for the grass. Pre-emergent care is also important (like preventing breakouts before they happen!), but be sure to carefully research what you use on your lawn, as some pre-emergents will also harm your yard.
Save your yard by giving it what it needs this week!
Be careful not to overwater. Grass needs to be watered once a week, while trees and shrubs are once every other week. If you’d like to get a jump-start on your garden, you can begin planting your seeds and letting them develop and germinate inside, in flower pots. (As always, read the label to determine levels of sun exposure and watering frequency.)
Our daffodils have bloomed, and there’s a ton of new growth this week. The silver lace vine and honeysuckle has grown out a bit, so we’re going to trim it down so it’ll grow healthy and strong.
Unless you’re Julius Cesar, don’t worry too much about today. Just don’t forget that Tax Season is coming to an end, so if you haven’t filed already, now would be a good time to start. Have an amazing weekend!